Tips On Overcoming Overwhelm, Feeling Behind, Or Doubting Your Idea

On Overwhelm and Fear

Being overwhelmed and/or scared is just a sign that you care, and a sign that your idea is meaningful (because you feel the pressure to make an impact). It’s not easy, but it is overcomeable.

Most importantly: Please understand that feeling like this is extremely common, and you are not alone!

The best way to beat that overwhelmed feeling is to not think of this as a book — but a series of steps. Take it one step at a time. The course is organized very intentionally — so that you focus on one step at a time. Don’t worry about a step until you’ve fully completed the one before.

Here’s what I would recommend starting with.

  1. Go to your goal-setting worksheet from Week 1 and review it (or if you haven’t done it yet — start there).
  2.  Review what you wrote and reflect on the questions you asked.
  3.  If you are still feeling these same doubts/fears/difficulties, repeat the fear-busting exercise on that worksheet.

Take a deep breath, take it step by step and we’ll get through this- together 😃

On Feeling Behind

If you are feeling like you’re behind or off-track, My general words of wisdom are simple but super important: There’s no such thing as falling off track ((especially when mind-mapping or brainstorming — that is pure creative exploration!). 

It’s not a race. Everyone goes at their own pace, and that is completely fine!

I wrote my first book in 10 days. Then, my second one took 2.5 years.

Don’t beat yourself up for going a bit slower than you expected. That’s normal! Most people go through these ups and downs.

I would recommend making your goals twice as easy as you planned.

For example: If you wanted to finish in 3 months, shoot for 6.

If you wanted to write 1,000 words a day, write 500 (or 1,000 every other day).

Do your best to enjoy the journey, take the program step-by-step (without worrying too much about pace), and ask any specific questions that come up after doing the exercises/work.

On Holding People's Attention

If you’re worried that people will lose interest, generally speaking, people will read the entire book if you have removed the “fluff” and kept it to the essentials (as I teach in the self-editing lessons).

If you’re specifically worried about short attention spans in your target audience, it may be helpful if you make your book “skimmable” — with action-based steps so that people can skip around and/or skim, and still get value.

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