I can't find the 1-on-1 coaching call preparation materials. Where are they?

If you qualifed for the Fast Action Bonus (a 1-on-1 coaching call with Matt) by purchasing while on the masterclass, you should already have access to the preparation materials in your program dashboard.

To find the 1-on-1 preparation materials, check out the left-hand sidebar– right underneath the program itself. You should have a course named 1-on-1 Coaching Call Preparation. It should look like the image below.

If you don’t see your 1-on-1 materials and think you should have received this bonus based on when you purchased, please email support@punchybooks.co for assistance.

A comprehensive guide to 1-on-1 Coaching Calls can also be found here.


  • It's important to complete at least Week 1 exercises before scheduling your call.
  • If you purchased the Accelerator with a different email address than the one you used to register for the webinar, you will not receive automatic access to this bonus and must email support@punchybooks.co to provide both of the email addresses used.
  • To get the most value out of your call, please review the FAQs and common mistakes in the prep materials before your call.
  • We strongly recommend preparing specific questions ahead of time to make the most of your 15-minute call.
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