What To Do If Your Book Has Zero Competitors, Or Tons Of Competitors

If you feel you are a pioneer in your topic and can’t find books to run comparisons with, don’t fret!

As long as there are people interested in your topic and you write your book in a unique, compelling way — you’ll do great. The way to validate your idea is by going through the bookbait exercise — so you should get clarity after completing that. The purpose of that exercise is to prove if your idea will be successful. Make sure to watch those lessons (and complete the exercises) closely.

If you're worried that there are too many books out there on your topic, this isn't a bad thing — counterintuitively, this is actually a GREAT thing! It means that there is significant demand for your book.

There are no books out there on staring at sidewalks. No competition at all. But would that make a great book? The more competition, the better.

The Accelerator is about helping you find your one unique perspective that can add a different angle to what others have written.

You don't need a new idea — you need a fresh perspective on an existing topic. If you don't know yours yet, don't worry! That's exactly what Weeks 1-3 are designed to help you do.

If you aren’t sure you have anything “punchy” enough to say at all — it’s extremely normal to be in this position early on in the course.

Your idea doesn’t need to be controversial to be punchy — it just needs to stand out and have that unique perspective. By continuing to work through the weeks, I promise you’ll get through it and this will make more sense! 

If you’re finding your topic too general to start with, make sure you’ve done the goal-setting exercise, brainstorming exercise (2+ sessions) and watched Session 2. It’s super normal to feel like you have a general focus after Session 1 — and not a problem at all!

If you have a general topic to explore, go ahead and try clarifying it — by filling out the Book Compass in Week 3.

On Turning A General Idea Into Multiple Smaller Ones

If you’re wondering whether you should break your book up into multiple books or just one, think about it this way: if you were to write four books, would you be solving four unique, burning problems? And would the books each be 100 pages or more?

If both of those answers are yes, consider writing four books.

If one of those answers is no, I would recommend combining them into one book.

Additionally — if you so choose, you can test two different versions of your idea (the multiple ideas in one, vs. a separate idea) when you reach the bookbait section.

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